Amerian Ginseng Root Slice (Large)

Product Description
Wisconsin American Gisnseng Root Slices N.W. 4 O.Z.
Our American Ginseng is grown in the state of Whisconsin where the best quality ginseng is produced because of its suitable climate and soil. These are 6 years old Americang ginseng, which has been grown for 6 years and then harvest to retain its maximum acitive ingredients, which is ginsenosides.
*American Ginseng has been used for very long time in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has been clinically provened to fight against fatique, stress and anxiety, it also help to improve the heart and circulatory system fuction. It improves the appetite and restore the sexual desire. It is suitable for both men and women.
Active Ingredients of American Ginseng: Ginsenoside, Oleanolic Acid, Patchouli Oil, Polysaccharide, Protein, Minerals and more than 18 kind of Amino Acid.
Content: 100% Wisconsin American Ginseng Root Slices.
Dose and usage: 10-20 grams of ginseng can be used each time for the preparation of steamed tonic tea, or cut it in small pieces, chew and eat. Another convenient way is just putting the sliced ginseng into a cup or vacuum flask with boiling water, cover and soak for about 15 minutes and then drink the water. It can given the same curative efficacy.
Package Dimension: 6 inch x 4.5 inch x 1 inch
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intented to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent andy disease.
*The AAA baterry in the bottom of the picture helps to shows the relative size of the ginseng roots.
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