Bluish Dogbane Tea

Product Description
100-2g teabags
No Cafeine, 100% natural, Contain 40% Bluish Dogbane Leaf
*Help maintain healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular function.
*Bluish dogbane grows wildly at Tibet, China. People lives there have history to eat a lot of meat with less cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. The number of people live over 100 years old at this region is far more than the other regions in the world. Research indicates people live there regularly drink the Bluish dogbane tea maybe is one of the important factors contribute to their balanced blood pressure, cardiovascular health and longevity. Same as Bluish dogbane, the pharmacologists and herbalists also found that the prunella vulgaris L, Cassia obtusifolia, Chrysanthemum morifolium and Ganoderma lucidum also contains medical value to help maintain a healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular function. All the ingredients formulated in this tea has been recorded at Chinese paramacopia, and being used by Chinese and Japanese folk over thousands of years that to be approved very safe. This tea offers a preasant taste with natural lasting aroma. No side effect for a long time useage.
Ingredients: Bluish dogbane leave 40%, Cassia obtusifolia L 15%, Crataegus pinnatifida 8%, Ganoderma lucidum 5%, Prunella vulgaris L 15%, Plantago asisantaca L 10%, Chrysanthemum flower 7%.
Direction: Pouring 1 and half cups(12 fl. oz.) boiling water over 1 0r 2 tea bags; let simmer for 2-3 minutes before serve. Add lemon or other flavor to adjust your own taste if preferred. Enjoy this tea hot or iced. 2-3 times daily. One tea bag each cup is for maintenance dosage.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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