Choice Tea for Dieters

Product Description
40-2g tea bags All natural herbal tea No sugar, caffeine and chemical additives
Two formulas, two choices
20 formula 1 teabags for regular strength, 20 formulas 2 teabags for extra strength.
*Choice Tea for dieters contain 2 sets of herbal teabags. The first serves as the regular strength. It is formulated with selected herbs to serve those dieters who demand a strong daily diet, but absolutely no any side effects. The second set contains pure Pheum palmatum. It serves for an extra dieting demand, rheum palmatum has a unique cleansing effect what would promote an extra bowl movement if so desires. The dieters, who knows their body best, can better manage their own diet by either taking a regular strength tea bags solely, or combine both regular and extra strength tea bags together to serve their need.
Ingredients: Regular strenght tea: Nelumbo nucifera 600mg, crataegus obtusifolia 600mg, hibiscus flower 160mg, pu-erh tea leaves 640mg. Extra strength tea: Rheum palmatum 2000mg.
Direction: 1 or 2 tea bags per cup; Use either regular strength tea bag only or together with extra strength teabag. Steep teabag in a cup of boiling water for 3-5 minutes. For a preferred taste, add honey or sweetner of your choice.
Note: Due to the cleansing nature of this herbal tea, it is not recommended for children, elderly, sick people, pregnancy or lactating women.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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