Deer's Tail Extract

Product Description
Oral solution 10-10cc vials
*This preparation contains the main ingredients of Deer's tail extract and fresh royal jelly. Deer's tail extract has been considered very valuable by Chinese for many years. It is used for tonic of the kidney and nourishment of blood. Fresh Royal Jelly is a milky glandular secretion of the worked bees for the sole provision of nutrition to the queen bee.
Ingredients: Deer's tail extract, deer antler, fresh royal jelly, water and alcohol.
Direction: For adults, take 1 bottle each time daily, take it in the mouring or before sleep. Shake well before served, not recommended for children under 18 years old to use this product.
Warning: 1. Accoring to surgeon general, women should not drink alcoholci beverage during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects. 2. Consumption of alcoholic beverage may be detrimental to children, impairs your ability to drink a car or operate machinery, and cause health problem.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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