Golden Nest Birds Swallow Nest Family Size Box (AAA)

Product Description
N. W. 8 oz. U.S.A.'s #1 best selling brand for swallow nest products.
Product of Indonesia with quality assurance at an FDA-Compliant Food Facility in U.S.A. Inspected and or liscensed by FDA, USDA and USFWS.
This is AAA white birds nest and it is guarrantee 100% genuine birds swallow nest.
According to many classical Chinese books about health food, swallow nest was first imported into China from the Southeast Asian region since the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 618-907). Starting in Ming and early Qing dynasty, swallow nest was consequently tuned into a well-known and well accepted precious health food. Swallow nest or "Caviar of the East" has long and often been associated as being a food for the royalties due to thier rarity and meticulous efforts put into naturally clean a perfect swallow nest.
*Principally, swallow nest has been considered as a rejuvenating agent that helps maitain a youthful complexion and enhance the healthy-smooth texture of skin. Swallow nest also acts as a booster to one's immune system, immensely beneficial for both the young and the old.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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