Supreme Beijing Royal Jelly With Bee Pollen

Product Description
30-10cc bottles
Dietary Supplement Non-Alcoholic(contain less than 0.5% alcohol)
*Royal Jelly is the main source of food for the queen bee which has a life span of 30-40 times longer than the worker bees. Royal Jelly can improve the immunity system function digestive system.
*Bee Pollen is another natural substance discovered in recent years. Ii contains no less than 22 amino acids, 27 minerals, biotin, natural enzymes, coenzymes and hormones. It can help fight agains allergic reaction and symptoms, hay fever and improve immunity system.
This formula is a blend of fresh Beijing royal jelly and bee pollen. It is made with the traditional low heat process to preserve the natural precious components.
Supplement Fact:
Sering Size: 1 vial
Amount per serving:
Bee Pollen 3000mg
Royal Jelly 500mg
Other Ingredients: Purifed water, honey and alcohol(contain less than 0.5%).
Direction: As a herbal supplement, 1 or 2 bottles may be taken daily. Residue does not affect the quality of this product. Shake before using, insert the straw completely to drink contents.
Caution: Bee product may cause allergic reaction in some people.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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